Friday, August 28, 2009

finally friday, i think . . .

this morning i woke up not feeling well at all. meniere's was hitting me hard and even moving my arm made me nausea. i managed to fluff up the down pillows, all three of them, and flipped on the television. the 62 inch plasma hanging on the wall, that mr. roll just had to bargain shop for when one of the electronics stores was going out of business (yes, he and zak went in together with cash and bought these televisions for a steal.) i was in the hospital at the time, having just come out of a coma and off the ventilator and still not really talking, which is the only reason we have a television this large in our bedroom (and family room too.) to my surprise one of my favorite movies of all time was just beginning!!!
where the heart is. can i tell you how much i love this movie? i love it. it's the story of a pregnant teenager who is traveling across country with her boyfriend and he leaves her at a wal-mart in small town oklahoma. she makes a life and falls in love. in 2000, when the movie came out i loved it. i so wanted to meet my own forny and fall in love. and i did when i met mr. roll. i still love the movie to this day and realize i need to buy it on blue ray so i can enjoy it whenever i want on this new television mr. roll bought, along with a blue ray thrown in for free. mr. roll must have been so happy i was preoccupied and he didn't have to discuss this purchase with me :)
that was sort of the end of the fun in today. i was getting dressed and ready to take mom to her doctor appointment when i heard her calling me. i ran downstairs and she was leaning against the dining room wall clutching her chest. i threw on a sweatshirt and flip-flops and got her to the car and raced to the hospital. no time for 911, when we live only 3 blocks from the hospital. i ran in and told them and they raced out to the car to get her. we were out of the house and in the emergency room in less than 5 minutes. no heart attack. no stroke. i have her home and she is resting comfortable.
but can i tell you how tiring it is to sit in an emergency all afternoon waiting for test results? i think it wore us both out.
dinner tonight is simple. it also happens to be one of mom's favorites as she loves breakfast for supper. pancakes and pepper bacon. i have the bacon in the oven as i didn't want to stand there frying it forever and the house smells so good.
after mom goes to bed i am going to bake a coffee cake. not the kind you eat in the morning with your coffee, but a cake cake with peet's coffee in it. we'll take it to a bbq tomorrow. the bbq is for our friends who lost their 17 year old son to suicide in november, and tomorrow would be his 18th birthday. i want to take a gift too, but i'm not sure what to take. i think a big potted plant for their front porch or back patio. i want to be there for them. i also want to take debbie out for coffee this coming week.
it is thundering and pouring out right now. yesterday it was in the 90's. i tell you if you don't like the weather in seattle, wait 15 minutes and it will change.
i am posting the coffee cake recipe right after this, and giving full credit to pioneer woman for sharing the recipe. it is delicious.


  1. That is one of my ALL time favorite movies. I LOVE IT! Okay, now I'm going to try that coffee cake, I only wish I could whip one up bring it over and watch that movie with someone else who loves it so much...heck I'd even enjoy it on a 62" Flat screen!

  2. I just finished the post and realized what happened to your Mom and your visit, you amaze me and are in my prayers as well as all you love~
