Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Sonshine

it's been too too long since i've posted on my own blog, although i have commented on a lot of blogs during thi time. i guess i just haven't felt connected to this one. haven't bonded with it yet. i gave up, but i have missed my random writing and thoughts.

this weekend mr. roll whisked me off to leavenworth for an overnight. it's the first time we've been off overnight in almost 3 years. too long. too long indeed. we had one of mom's caretakers stay with her saturday morning thru sunday afternoon, and off we went. it was wonderful being together and out of town alone enjoying each other and talking and laughing together. we didn't spend a lot of money, we simply enjoyed each other a lot :)

it seems that as things have taken a turn for the worse with mom, we've managed to realize we need to devote time to each other and not neglect our marriage. the last thing i want to have happen is for mom's health issues to be the demise of my marriage and i know my mom doesn't want this. we have been so blessed with angel cregivers and i need to let them take care of mom while mr. roll and i take care of our marriage and concentrate on each other.

leavenworth was so fun. the barvarian town in eastern washington. it's as if time stood still and we stepped back into it upon arriving. the weather was perfect, the german sausages were everywhere as were the bakeries, and the beer pubs. the only downside, if you can call it that, was that the bed in our hotel was very european and that means it was a "full" size bed. imagine mr. roll at 6'5 sliding into that small bed? i suggested that i sleep in one and he in the other so he had more room but he frowned on that idea. he wanted his wifey next to him. although he did fall off the bed in the middle of the night, and i woke up startled by the loud thump when he hit the floor. he said he was fine and was soon back in bed snoring. i never really went back to sleep after that afraid he was going to roll off again. full beds are not very big, and we are used to sleeping in a king bed (because he is so tall, or we would much rather have a queen size bed so we could be closer all the time.)

on friday i am leaving for chicago with my son zak. zak is auditioning for american idol. he's wanted to do this since the show first began, and decided at 25, that he'd better do it now or never and the cut off age is 28. zak sings. he graduated from washington state univeristy as a music major--piano and performance. he has no false hope of even getting to the judges, but he wants to at least try. i of course think they would be fools to ignore his talent and good looks! i am mom after all :)

our choices for audition cities were boston, atlanta, denver, los angeles, chicago, and probably a few more i can't remember. we've never been to chicago and we love to 'do" big cities so we are going there. pray.

it's good to be back.

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